Kentico Developers Melbourne

Kentico website developers are constantly going on about headless CMS (the concept of removing presentation templates, site structure and design elements from the CMS platform itself and just focusing on the content and data). While several businesses that come to us asking about headless CMS platforms, they don’t quite understand how it could benefit their business. We’ve worked hard to summarise a few critical points that can make a huge difference to organisations, internally and externally.

Simple and Easy

Traditional CMS platforms can become unwieldy behemoths depending on the number of plugins, widgets and design elements incorporated into the backend. Bringing in to employees to develop skills and understanding of these platforms can ultimately be a huge waste of time, spending far too long to build their knowledge and then having the platform updated or functionality removed. Instead, headless CMS focuses purely on content management, reducing training costs with a clear and intuitive interface that removes much of the cumbersome bulk from traditional platforms.

Lower Operating Costs

Traditional CMS platforms, with their countless plugins and security issues, constantly require management and upkeep. Just like cleaning a house, the longer you leave these updates, the worse the website will look and the harder it will be to clean everything efficiently in the long run. With cloud-first headless CMS platforms, the need to expend time, energy and money on a continuous upgrade-cycle is removed, with updated pushed live from the CMS vendor themselves. Trust me, out Kentico developers love this functionality! Security is enhanced, back-end functionality is vastly improved, and your website runs far smoother.

Flexible Content Management

With headless CMS platforms, content editors can push out content for a raft of different platforms in different environments while developers simply build their own front end in whichever language required (PHP, Java, Swift, etc.). This flattens the internal processes of an organisation that presents its information across a variety of platforms and separates workflow between content and design entirely. This omnichannel readiness allows content to be repurposed across multiple channels using API integrations.

Accelerate Development Processes

Finally, traditional CMS platforms require websites to be designed before content can be created to match each page. Headless CMSs remove this need and get content editors to work on their content from the very start, allows for a more engaged process between both editors and developers to ensure simultaneous working situations and faster delivery of the finished product.

Talk To Us About Headless CMS on Kentico Cloud

Headless CMS is a popular catch-cry by our Kentico website developers, constantly promoted as the next big step in website management. We think that there is a lot of benefit for many companies, especially those who are managing multiple platforms including websites, minisites and mobile apps as well. For more information about our Kentico development services, head over to our Kentico page, or get in touch with us today. We’d love to have a chat about how Kentico (or any other CMS platform) can transform your organisation.

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