Social Media Network Benefits

As a social media marketing firm, we spend far more time on Facebook than we should! But it’s crucial for our understanding of the most important practices when it comes to sharing content on social media.

It’s Free, Why Are You Not Doing This?!

At the end of the day, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are free for businesses to use, so there’s really no excuse not to have a presence. Creating engaging content that is relevant for your customer base is a sure-fire way to have great success on these widely-used media.

Recognising the different benefits that each network provides is critical towards optimising your social media strategy. Some social media networks offer conversion opportunities, some simply create engagement, and knowing which does what is really important!

Facebook’s Great For Getting Started!

So, you’ve decided to enter the minefield that is social media, hey? Well, recognising that Facebook has 1.65 billion users per month (that’s Billion, with a B), you should probably try to tap into some of that first. Setting up your business page is easy, and from there, all you need is some enticing content. Easier said than done, right?!

However, Facebook’s algorithm is brutal in its efficacy, limiting business exposure only to those who pay to play, so to speak. But don’t let that deter you, as Facebook is super easy to get into, offers potential for paid advertising if you’re keen, and is an all-round solid choice for some strategic social media marketing.

Instagram: Why Say Something With Words, When A Picture Paints A Thousand?

Are you offering something that’s looks pretty, that’s definable with #hashtags, and that everyone’s just going to want to share with their friends? Then, maybe Instagram is the one for you. With close to 500 million monthly users, its numbers are steadily growing and with its integration to Facebook, is the ideal next step into the social media marketing space.

Still at the mercy of sorting algorithms, Instagram also doesn’t make it easy to actually sell things. Instagram is better at building and maintaining brand awareness, driving customers to other platforms (like Facebook, or better yet, your website). If you don’t really sell anything or do anything that pretty, maybe give it a miss too.

Consider Twitter, But It May Be On The Way Out…

Look, we’re not going to tell you to not go on Twitter. I mean, it has been one of the best performing social media networks of all time, it is great for businesses to connect with their customers, and it offers a tremendous range of posting options to make your content stands out. Plus, 300 million monthly users is nothing to sneeze at.

Where Twitter falls down is its user-base as a whole. Twitter has sunk into a hole of combative or non-engaging users, and doesn’t encourage brand participation all that well. User growth isn’t what it used to be, especially when compared to other platforms, and again, the dreaded algorithm can mean that your posts can’t break out of the noise. See how it goes, and try to post frequently and get into the swing of it, you may end up liking it.

What About The Others?

Yes, I recognise that this list is nowhere near comprehensive. Linkedin is great for professional services, Pinterest is great if you sell lots of products of visually-enticing services, and don’t even get me started on Snapchat, Myspace or any of the countless other potential options.

Social media marketing firms are going to focus on the three platforms listed beyond all others, and Newpath WEB is no different. With a team of skilled social media experts, we know what works when it comes to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. If you’re interested, visit our social media marketing page, or contact us today.

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