online marketing providers

Online Marketing Company in Melbourne – Newpath WEB

Running a small business can be incredibly challenging; you are often the only person involved with the company, meaning you wear many different hats. While you might be managing the customer-facing side of the business, you also need to take on the role of accountant, CEO and marketer as well. That last part is something that we can help with. As helpful online marketing company in Melbourne, we take the pressure and stress out of online marketing, and get your brand in front of more people than ever before.

Of course, when you put that accountant hat back on, you might start to be concerned about the cost of marketing efforts. Many small businesses simply don’t have the budget to even consider online marketing, including pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimisation. In these situations, the adage of ‘you must spend money to make money’ rings true. Unlike traditional marketing, online marketing is infinitely measurable, meaning you can track exactly how your actions bring about individual results.

We’ve listed some very valuable reasons why every single small business must be engaging in some form of online marketing below.


While everyone wants to think that they have the best idea when it comes to their business, it’s important to recognise that this might not be the most original idea. Indeed, with the ease at which people can build an online presence, the idea of running your own business is more and more accessible for people, meaning increased competition for your brand. While all these others fiddle around with their websites, get ahead of the curve and start online marketing. It is easy to defend from the front, and much harder to catch up to the leader.

Increased Return on Investment

When you consider all the different things you can do to promote your business, online marketing is one of the most cost-effective and highest-return ventures you can undertake. Even outside of traditional advertising (which is far too expensive and not practical enough), if you’re considering a brick-and-mortar presence, you can be an online-only business and put that extra expenditure into an enhanced website and marketing presence.

Ease of Management

Simply put, even if you don’t have Newpath web manage your online marketing, it is super easy to maintain it yourself. Paid search advertising and social media platforms have ridiculously simply interfaces designed to make it easy to set everything up and monitor success. What’s more, none of these marketing campaigns are permanent; you can stop and start your campaign as you like. If you have a tough month coming up, pause everything; if you’ve just had a great month, put a bit more into your marketing. There’s so much flexibility and variability available to you when it comes to online marketing, but don’t let the challenge stop you from starting.

Choose the Right Provider

Online marketing providers often don’t have the best intentions at heart. They aren’t looking out for your business and just want to squeeze you for all your worth. Newpath web isn’t like that; we don’t need to be. We’re over ten years old and have experience managing campaigns for the smallest of the small and the biggest of the big, and have helped many companies grow and grow during their time with us. Talk to us about your new business venture and let’s work out a strategy for the future.

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