SEO Specialist Melbourne

In many cases, Valentine’s Day is the first big campaign of the year for retailers, and is a great opportunity for online marketers to take advantage of the romantic day.

Valentines Day is celebrated by a significant number of consumers, meaning the day is a great opportunity for marketers to promote their products and boost sales.

Below is a few easy to use tips from a search engine optimisation (SEO) Melbourne specialist that marketers need to know:

Think of a wider audience

Planning for an effective campaign should start with an analysis of the target audience. It is widely accepted that recipients of a Valentine’s Day gift go beyond romantic partners, with a solid percentage of consumers despite identifying themselves as single, celebrating the occasion with family, friends, co-workers, or pets, meaning they purchase gifts, treats, etc to mark the day.

This means that marketers can beat their competitors by targeting a wider audience, trying to include all the different types of gifts someone may be searching for Valentine’s Day, rather than maintaining a narrow focus aimed purely at couples.

Pick the right keywords

The right use of keywords depends on a proper understanding of your target users. As we’ve seen, gifts go beyond just couples, with friends and pets coming in with high search counts also.

Pick the right timing

Valentine’s Day is an occasion of short planning and quick turnaround, with nearly half of all searches and shopping taking place in early February. Stats show that most consumers don’t get in early and plan for the day in January or earlier.

This brings out a great opportunity for marketers who are present at the right time, just when the searches and clicks increase.

It’s important for marketers to ensure that their budget will last until the final day of the campaign. Budgeting carefully for the week preceding the 14th is especially crucial, as this is the period that clicks peak.

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