software developers melbourne

Guys, I’m not going to say anything that we don’t already know right now, but developers can be hard to communicate with. Look, I work with these guys and love them to death, but yeah, software developers in Melbourne are not the chattiest bunch of people.

If you’re working with Newpath web and our award-winning developers, or any developers from any other company, you need to have a plan in place to communicate effectively. Remember, the work they do is directly related to the success or failure of your new design.

This is a tough thing to work on. People’s communication skills are often hardwired at an early age and can take a lot of personal work to evolve and improve if found lacking. Regardless, there are little things that you can do to make sure communication is smooth.

Seek Clarification When Required

Given the amounts of money that are spent on development projects (be they applications, websites or software), you really want to avoid ambiguity. Therefore, if your developer explains a situation to you in less than a clear manner, seek as much clarity as possible.

Avoiding shyness and communicating clearly and effectively can be a real difficulty for a range of clients. Developers are more than happy to explain ideas that you might be unsure of (I mean, they chose this career because they are clearly passionate about it), and hopefully can provide much more insight than previously was there.

Match Your Communication Platforms

Our reliance on digital media has meant that we now have countless ways of communicating: over the phone, via messaging, Skype or even just old-fashioned email (not really old-fashioned, but you get my drift).

Your developer might even rely on some internal intranet system to help organise the countless projects that they are looking after. The important thing is to be mindful of this and meet them where works best for them.

If you are an email person, the transition to intranets shouldn’t be too challenging. No one says you can’t still have phone conversations, but a refusal to deal with your software developer on their preferred medium can be a problem. More often than not, clarity and written proof of particular requests is a must to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Work on It

I said earlier that communication is something that requires a lot of work. And that’s true. From both sides of the communication process. Developers are constantly working to communicate effectively in both written and verbal ways, ensuring that the right information is shared.

If you want a smooth relationship with your developer, it is important to work on your skills as well. As our lives become increasingly digitised, these types of relationships are simply going to become the norm. Therefore, you need to learn to deal with emails, or messages, or Skype calls, or any new type of communication methods.

Software Developer Communication is Worth the Work

Developers are critical to your on-going digital success. Software developers in Melbourne are the lifeblood of some many businesses in the online sphere, so don’t shy away from communication with them.

Embrace the challenge, work hard, and you’ll see terrific results all the way through. See how our developers can help your business on our development page, or hit us up on Facebook to see how we can help with your application, website or software.

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