online reputation management expert

So, someone said something not very nice about you online. Sorry about that. But, what are you going to do about it though? We’ve come up with a three-step approach towards handling the situation, and we think it could really help.

Step Number One – Manage Incoming Feedback

The first move is always to manage and handle the feedback.

Did a user share a negative review on Facebook? Login and respond. Don’t shy away from acknowledging failings, or from accepting criticism; recognising the way customers feel is critical towards bringing them back into the fold.

Essentially, responding to reviews (good or bad, mind you) is public customer service. Remember, Facebook wasn’t originally for businesses, it’s for users. This has remained consistent throughout, meaning that it is a very even playing field, with active users just as powerful as businesses.

If you want to be on the platform, you need to accept some potential risk and have a plan in place to remedy any issues.

Step Number Two – Monitor Feedback

The next step is to consistently monitor any potential feedback you might get.

Again, the issue with writing content, sharing posts and offering information in the heydey of Web 2.0 is that users are empowered to let you know how they feel. And what’s worse is that there are simply so many channels that their dissatisfaction can be distributed.

By regularly checking comments, Facebook pages, Google Reviews and business listings, you can catch most feedback. If it is a consistent stream of responses that you simply can’t keep up with, considered setting-up Google Alert to find anything that might slip through the cracks.

It is critical that you get your responses quickly and efficiently to all comments, good and bad.

Step Number Three – Improve Your Business

One question you need to ask yourself is, “was the negativity deserved?”

This issue is always the most challenging aspect of online reputation management. No judgements, but you need to be honest with yourself and say whether what has been written about you is accurate or not. The answer dictates what your process is moving forwards.

If the response to the previous question is “yes”, then you need to fix your internal problems. Online negativity is like a fire, where the tops of the flames look most threatening, but the base of the flame is what needs to be extinguished.

By resolving the issues at the source, you should be able to put a dampener on any influx of negativity moving forwards. The negativity will always exist, but resolving issues is a good step towards improving the balance towards positivity.

If the answer was no, well, you just need to take it all in your stride and offer solutions regardless.

ORM is an Increasingly Critical Part of the Digital Space

Engaging an online reputation management expert is going to become more and more commonplace. With some well-publicised issues, people are always going to latch onto brands and attack.

Rely on someone like Newpath web to use innovative methods to address and resolve your issues moving forwards. For more information, visit our online reputation management services page or contact us now!

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