adwords company in Melbourne

Heard of Pay-Per-Click advertising? Not quite sure what that term means? This simple article will break down everything you need to know about paid advertising and how Newpath Web, a digital agency in Australia can help improve your presence online through Adwords management in Melbourne.

So how does it work?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click is a form of online marketing. It’s another tool in your kitbag to help drive customers to your website through intelligent ads and key words that relate to your business. In the PPC model you pay a search engine, such as Google, to place your ad whenever a user searches on a keyword that you have listed as relevant to your business. In other words, you are buying visits to your website instead of users finding you on their own.

Each time your ad is clicked upon you pay a fee to the search engine. They key is to carefully research what keywords are popular for your product or service and organise them into campaigns. The next step is to create appropriate landing pages that potential buyers will see once they have clicked your ad. Google rewards intelligent campaigns that are helpful to their users by charging less for each click. This increases the margin for your business on sales won via these lower priced ads.

Understanding algorithms

The most successful of these Pay-Per-Click platforms globally is Google Ads. With more and more people searching for what they need via Google, this search engine is a key part of your marketing mix for PPC. It provides the opportunity to engage with an audience directly looking for what you do, as they directly search for products or services that you provide. You can deliver fantastic exposure for your business and expand your reach by getting your message in front of these people. So, how do you do that?

Newpath Web are a Certified Google Agency Partner, which means we have a highly experienced team of Adwords specialists. We are a digital agency in Australia who run sophisticated Adwords management in Melbourne and right across the country. We help you select the most appropriate campaign for your business by sorting through the overwhelming options out there. We also work to your budget, carefully listening to your requirements and offering sensibly priced advertising strategies.

The service does not end there however, we track the effectiveness of your campaign throughout the entire lead process, right through to final sale. The result gives you invaluable insights in to your customers’ behaviour, your products and customer service.

Google Ads in more detail

Understanding how Google selects the ads it shows to users from the keywords selected is a complex business and based on detailed algorithms. Google delves into its pool of Adwords advertisers, of which you are one, and displays the results based on a variety of factors such as relevance and pertinence of keyword. It also works on your PPC spend, your click-through rate and the quality of your landing page.

The result is a kind of auction environment, where advertisers bid against other advertisers to get their ads placed in front of users that search on pre-selected words in their ad campaigns. Google will select the ads from advertisers based on their bids, as well as the quality of the user’s experience. The benefit of using Google Ads is the sheer size of this search engine. It receives vast amounts of traffic and can therefore offer a high amount of impressions, or showings, of your ads and the opportunity for users to click through to find out more about you.

Why it’s best not to go it alone

One of the basic things to get right is your keywords and making sure they are relevant to what you wish to advertise. Take time and care to craft a group of words that accurately reflect how users will search for what you offer.

Secondly, build a landing page that is relevant to the keyword and delivers what the user is looking for (the landing page is where the user lands immediately after clicking your ad). Make the information succinct with clear instructions on how to buy or contact you for further information. Remember that Google will assess the quality and relevance of your PPC campaigns and formulate a Quality Score based upon them. This algorithm directly impacts how much you pay per click (lowering the cost for better targeted campaigns), whilst increasing the ranking and visibility of your ad.

Carrying out research for the most powerful keywords takes time and careful consideration, which is why using Adwords management in Melbourne can really take the stress and guess work out of the process. As an award winning digital agency in Australia, contact Newpath Web today to understand how we can help you achieve the sales results you deserve.

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