Australian Web Developer

So, you’re looking for a new website, what do you need to tick off your list?

  • Top Notch Website Design, fully capturing your business’ strengths, attitudes and ethos.
  • Quality Online Marketing Plan, taking advantage of search engine optimisation techniques and superb pay-per-click and social media marketing practices
  • Mobile Optimisation, recognising the growing importance of your business’ position in the palm of users.
  • Uhhh, did you forget about the actual development of the website?

I mean, how are you going to be able to build this perfect specimen of a website?

Using an Australian website developer, that’s how!

Let’s take a step back and talk about why you might want to develop a new website. There can be a number of reasons why, and putting yourself in one category inherently influences the form of the new website.

They can include, among many others:

  • Brand Refresh
  • Business Refresh
  • Lack of Traffic
  • Lack of Mobile Optimisation
  • Poorly Built

Put yourself in one of these five, admittedly very large boxes. Have you rebranded? Are you changing the way you do business? Do you lack the traffic flow not only to the website, but through different pages on the site as well? What about horrific mobile viewing experiences? And really, the big one, the one that catches everyone out, does your existing website just suck?!

Well, it sounds like you’ve got a good idea about everything.

Now comes the tricky part.

Website design, online marketing, and mobile development, we can all help with, and I don’t need to extol the virtues of our services here, but trusting in an Australian website developer? Why bother? Can’t I just outsource this and be done with it?

Not really, no. Why?


The process of website development is complex, often requiring a lot of back and forth between developer and client, ensuring that through each step of the process the developer is implementing the design correctly.

Why go through all the trouble of having this gorgeous design and sound marketing plan if the developer is going to do a half-assed job?

Local Understanding

Australian website developers understand your local concerns, offering exceptional understanding of the Australian online space, digital trends and best practices. By working on the project, they are able to take the abstract concept of a design (which is admittedly a very local-focused thing) and apply it to a particular geographical style.

Yes, website design is a global concept, but yours is a local business, meaning it needs to speak to local consumers. Australian website development does that.

Being close to you and engaging you in the process, as well as understanding your audience far greater mean that locally-based developers ensure that what you’re building is the pinnacle of what is possible for your business online.

Proactive Development

Our developers understand the importance of search engine optimisation, and as such build sitemaps and beneficial site architecture, meaning you won’t need to rebuild any time soon. We recognise the benefits of a blog (geez, you’re reading one, aren’t you?) and the role that content plays on a website. We leave space for these things to grow and evolve with the website.

More than that though, each website we build, regardless of whether you’ve asked for it or not, is mobile optimised. There is ZERO benefit to not being mobile optimised, and frankly, it’s embarrassing to offer a substandard mobile site these days.

Our guys know this, and push hard for it to be developed. In fact, this is the point. Whether you ask for best development practices or not, we implement them. Just because you don’t ask, doesn’t mean you don’t want, it probably just means you don’t know.

Enough of my rambling, though!

Newpath WEB understands the importance of an Australian website developer, and I hope that after reading this post, you might have a faint skerrick of an idea about why this is important as well. If you’d like to find out more about our website development services, click through or contact us today to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

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