Mobile App Development Guide for 2022

If you’re yet to jump on board the mobile app train, it’s not too late. In fact, there’s arguably been no better time to invest in mobile app development for your business. Consumers spent an estimated 3.8 trillion hours using mobile apps in 2021 — just a few of those hours spent on your application could see amazing benefits for your business.

By partnering with Newpath Web, you will be benefiting from over a decade’s worth of experience across iOS, Android, and React Native platforms. Our skilled team have built high-performing applications for clients across all industries and are known for their ability to combine creativity and technical skill for a positive user experience.

We’ll be with you every step of the way, from pre-project business analysis to ongoing maintenance. Continue reading to learn a little more about how we approach the process of Android and iOS application development in 2022.

Define your strategy

Successful apps don’t happen by accident. It takes considerable pre-planning to ensure your app is launched to a suitable audience and meets their expectations.

The first step of mobile app development is therefore defining your strategy. In this brainstorming stage, you will start by defining your target audience. After all, who you hope will download your app will certainly inform other early-stage decisions. Competitor research is also critical. What platform have your competitors used to build their apps? What types of services does their software offer? What are the pros and cons of their chosen design?

Arguably the most significant decision to make as part of strategic development is what platform you will use to build your app. Android and iOS application development follow much the same process but use different technologies. You may find that your target audience are largely iOS users, in which case the decision is relatively simple. There are many additional factors to take into consideration when choosing a platform, which is why having access to expert assistance and advice is so useful.

Defining your strategy ensures that the money and resources you are investing into your app do not go to waste.


Building a mobile app is a comprehensive process that requires considerable time and planning. It’s important that all stakeholders are on the same page regarding this. Once you have discussed basic strategic decisions, it’s time to sit down and map out what the deliverables will be and when the client can expect to receive updates. Establish a roadmap and refer back to this throughout the development process.

Design and development

Now the real work begins. Building an app requires both creativity and technical skill. While you want your app to have its own stylistic brand and flair, the design cannot interfere with the overall user experience. At the same time, a functional app without engaging visuals is not likely to attract user attention. Finding the balance between these two is difficult but by no means impossible.

Designers will likely start by producing wireframes, which are sketches (either on paper or digital) that provide clients with the opportunity to see how their app will look as a finalised product. A style guide can also help designers get a feel for how your business talks about their products and services, ensuring that the language that is used throughout the app reflects your brand.

Prototypes, built using specialist software, are another tool that can help clients better understand the look, feel, and interactive nature of their application. Once everything has been signed off from a design perspective, the development can begin.

Here at Newpath Web, we are fortunate to have a highly skilled team of developers who can bring your visual dream to life. Whether you’re engaging in Android or iOS application development, we prioritise performance to ensure your users benefit from a seamless overall experience.


Your app is done and dusted from a design and development perspective, but that doesn’t mean it’s ready to be released to the world. Only after a thorough testing process can you be confident that there are no bugs or security holes likely to trip your users up.

Our team will test for performance, usability, and security, to ensure your app is as ready as it will ever be before being delivered to the eager hands of your users.


The thing about mobile app development is that it’s never really done. There are always going to be bugs that need fixing or improvements that can be made. Having a team like Newpath Web at your side to help with ongoing maintenance issues will guarantee a positive user experience both now and into the future.

To learn more about how we’re approaching mobile app development in 2022, contact the friendly team at Newpath Web today.

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