adwords expert melbourne

As Online Marketing Account Manager, I split my role between three distinct parts: search engine optimisation, online reputation management and pay per click advertising. While I believe in all three parts and the value that they can present to a business online, I am especially fond of pay per click advertising. Newpath web is an industry-leading AdWords expert in Melbourne, and I think that we can help to build and grow your business.

What is it?

Look, let’s start at the beginning. If you already know this, play through. Otherwise, read on. AdWords and pay per click (PPC) marketing are a little different from traditional advertising in that you don’t pay for impressions; you pay for engagement (i.e. clicks). If users don’t click, you don’t pay, essentially giving you free exposure (at least through your Google ads).

What’s more, Google search advertising allows you to reach customers that are looking for products. They can potentially have the intention to purchase, or at least intention to look at products similar to yours. You engage with motivated customers, potentially reaching them at their most interested in your product.

Why use it?

Let’s swap my three caps for a second, and let’s talk about search engine optimisation. Regardless of whether you’ve just started or you’ve been online for twenty years, you need to have search engine optimisation (SEO). Essentially aimed at highlighting particular keywords spread through your website, SEO can increase your rankings on Google searches for relevant keywords.

SEO is imperative for businesses, and everyone needs to do it. But if you also need sale now, then PPC is the platform for you. You can not only target relevant keywords but competitors and other related details, allowing you to rank higher than all of them, for a price.

How to use it?

There are three vague steps to setting up Google AdWords: keywords, ad copy, and targeting. Keywords are the most important part of your AdWords campaign. You must appropriately identify the relevant keywords for your industry, and understand that there is a range of options for any business in any industry. The difference between good keywords and bad keywords is huge, so don’t muck around. As well, AdWords requires you to set up keyword matching, either broad, phrase or specific to your choice, but unless we’re helping you with this, just go with the specific option.

Developing ad copy is crucial; you need to both represent your targeted keywords as well as selling your brand or products succinctly. With limits to content length and appropriate messaging, it can be challenging to write appropriately for AdWords as a form. Finally, ensuring you correctly target your ads is critical. Your ads could be shown to the entire world if you don’t target correctly. Work within your appropriate regional area, and you can expand if necessary.

Messy Details

AdWords works in tandem with your website; trust me, you want to make sure you have some keywords that you’re targeting in your campaign on your website; otherwise, it’ll cost you. Because of this, optimising your site is a critical function of successful AdWords programs. Reviewing search queries that show your ads can identify negative keywords that you don’t want to be associated with your ads. Setting these up is critical, so you don’t waste money on irrelevant ads.

There’s so much more to know

Look, I can’t go into all of AdWords, mainly because it’s so dense, but also because I don’t want to give away all the secrets. Regardless, just know that AdWords is exceptional for helping a business grow (assuming your patient). Work with our team of AdWords experts in Melbourne and know that your business is in good hands.

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